
Höhere Fachschule Technik Mittelland

We are the leading technical college of higher education in Switzerland. We make a significant contribution to reducing the shortage of skilled workers - primarily in our area, in full-time studies throughout Switzerland, by training qualified, hard-working specialists and managers in engineering and providing higher vocational education and training. Our graduates are highly sought-after specialists and managers. We are networked with the economy and constantly in dialogue. Companies prefer to choose us as their training partner for technical training and further education. We regularly surprise with innovative ideas and are a benchmark in terms of educational concepts, practical relevance and the close connections between students and companies. We have different kind of study programmes, such as electrical engineering, information technology, process management, mechanical engineering, systems engingeering and industrial manager. In the department «Building automation», our students plan, design and develop building automation systems and control systems for industrial and commercial buildings as well as residential buildings.

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Switzerland HTFM